How to Prepare For Your Primary Care Appointment

A person speaking to their El Paso primary care physician at a desk.

If you have an upcoming appointment with your El Paso primary care physician, you should make yourself as prepared as possible to get the most out of your visit. Here, we will create a detailed checklist of things to do before your upcoming visit. 

At Transmountain Primary Care, located in El Paso, TX, we offer top-notch medical services to families of all ages. Our primary care physicians have years of experience under their belts and can properly handle any case you bring us. Give us a call at (915) 248-2345, or contact us online to learn more!

Your Detailed Checklist

If it’s been a while since your last visit to your primary care physician in El Paso, you may be feeling a little nervous about your upcoming appointment. No need to worry because we’ve created a detailed checklist for you to follow when preparing for your appointment. Read below for different things to consider before seeing your primary care physician. 

  • Make sure your insurance information is up to date and that your primary care physician’s office still accepts it. If you changed jobs/insurance companies in between visits, inform the office of all the new information. 


  • Create a list of questions and concerns you want addressed at your visit. If you’re seeing your primary care physician for a reason other than a check-up, make sure to write down any information about it. 


  • Keep a list of any/all medications you are currently taking; this should include prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines. Make a note of the dosages as well and why you’re taking them. 


  • If you received test results from another office, be sure to print those out or fax them to your primary care physician ahead of your visit to avoid delays or additional appointments. 


  • If you partake in any at-home tests (blood pressure, glucose, etc.), make sure to bring the equipment with you so your primary care physician can determine if it’s still reading accurately. 


  • If there are any changes to your emergency contact(s), bring all relevant information with you. Depending on the severity of the appointment, you may also want to consider bringing someone along for emotional support. 


  • Prepare the route you want to take so you know how long it takes to get there and when you need to leave to avoid being late. 

Primary Care Physician of El Paso

At Transmountain Primary Care, located in El Paso, our primary care physicians provide excellent care and a wide range of services to families of all ages. Call (915) 248-2345  for more information.

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