Behavioral Health

Behavioral Health in El Paso, Texas

At Transmountain Primary Care, we recognize that much of healthcare is focused on physical health, but often neglects mental and behavioral health. Our clinic offers support for behavioral issues and treatment for our patients. If you or a loved one needs behavioral health care, Transmountain Primary Care can help! 

Speak with a primary care physician in El Paso online or call (915) 248-2345 today to learn more about our behavioral health services.

What is Behavioral Health

Behavioral health is often conflated with mental health, but they are two distinct fields of care. Behavioral health is a broad term that describes the connection between behaviors and their effects on mental and physical health. 

At Transmountain Primary Care, our El Paso primary care physician team understands how behavior can affect physical and emotional health, and how those factors can affect behavior. Through behavioral health interventions, we can help improve the behavioral health outcomes of our patients.  

Who We Can Treat

We help people across the behavioral health spectrum, ranging from mild behavioral problems to serious behavioral issues and conditions. If you or someone you know is dealing with behavioral issues, then give Transmountain Primary Care a call today at (915) 248-2345. Our primary care physician team is ready to help.

Conditions We Treat

Below are some of the behavioral health conditions that we treat: 


Depression (major depressive disorder) is a disorder characterized by feelings of melancholy, sadness, loss of interest, changes of appetite, or any of the following mild to severe symptoms: 

  • Sleeping issues 
  • Increased fatigue 
  • Difficulty thinking or concentrating 
  • Thoughts of suicide/death

While the term “depression” is often used casually, it is a serious medical illness that can drastically affect a person or those around them. If you have struggled with these symptoms, contact El Paso primary care physician team to schedule an examination. 


Anxiety is a natural response to stress that can tend to become excessive in certain situations. While anxiety is a normal reaction to stress, anxiety can become excessive and detrimental to normal activities and life. 

Some symptoms of anxiety disorder include: 

  • Difficulty controlling worry 
  • Sweating
  • Trembling 
  • Gastrointestinal problems (during episodes)
  • Rapid breathing (hyperventilation) 
  • Weakness/tiredness
  • Trouble thinking about anything other than present worries/issues

Other Mental Health Issues

While depression and anxiety are among the most common behavioral health issues we deal with, we also work with the following mental disorders:

  • Eating disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Psychotic disorders 
Unhappy man holding his chin and looking down.

We’re Here to Help, Contact Us for More Information

It’s crucial to care for your mind and mental health as much as you care for your body. If you’re feeling symptoms of mental health issues, then Transmountain Primary Care can help. 

Schedule an appointment online or call a Transmountain primary care physician in El Paso at (915) 248-2345 today!

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