Behavioral Health

Depression Management in El Paso

Depression, unfortunately, is a common but hard-to-describe behavioral illness. While it is commonly known to cause feelings of sadness, melancholy, and a general loss of interest, its effects are still being understood by medical professionals. In many countries, depression is on the rise, making this a large focus for healthcare workers and researchers globally.

At Transmountain Primary Care, we understand many of the ways that depression can manifest in someone’s life. Whether your depression exhibits common symptoms or is more distinctive, our behavioral health professionals can help you chart a path to better management.

Depression At A Glance

One crucial thing to know if you have struggled with depression is that you are not alone. In the U.S, an estimated 16 million adults have had at least one major depressive episode, which represents 6.7 percent of all U.S adults. Depression can also affect different demographics differently based on myriad societal factors. 

Globally, depression is estimated to affect nearly 300 million people, which if true would make depression the leading cause of disability in the world. Given the prevalence of depression worldwide, a great deal of research time and money is used to understand the condition and its root causes. 

It is also widely known that depression is not strictly limited to mental or behavioral issues. Depression can actually make some physical health issues worse or harder to manage, underscoring how mental health and physical health are inseparable in many ways.

How Our Team Works With Patients Experiencing Depression

Our medical team at Transmountain Primary Care addresses depression by first understanding a patient’s particular kind of depression. No one’s experience of depression is exactly the same as someone else’s, but common threads can help our team look for patterns and root causes. 

Once we’ve spoken with patients to get a better understanding of their condition, we then begin charting a path to better management and recovery. We take a holistic approach to depression by recognizing how it can manifest in different ways and spread across various stages of life. As such, the path forward will always look unique for every individual. 

Interventions for depression can include therapy, major lifestyle changes, medication, and more. As time goes on, our team can recommend changes to a patient’s management plan as their situation and needs evolve. Over the years, our team has helped many El Pasoans take on depression and emerge successfully.

Bearded man wearing glasses feeling concerned visiting therapist

Contact Us Today For Depression Management Services!

For many of us, depression can be a constant fixture of life that constantly gets in the way. Our team is experienced in helping people better understand and address their depression, and we would love to help you as well.

To learn more about our depression or other behavioral health services, feel free to contact us via phone, email, or through our website.

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